Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic
Weight loss

Redo bariatric surgery

Some people may think that the problem of obesity will end after resorting to bariatric surgeries only, but this is not true at all because it is the real beginning to get rid of obesity and the beginning of a new and completely different life, where the person begins to follow a healthy diet along with a commitment to physical exercises to avoid flabbiness in Various areas of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and legs, as well as a commitment to vitamins and nutritional supplements to avoid feeling weak, fatigued and protect hair from falling.

Many after bariatric surgeries adhere to all of what we mentioned and achieve great results in losing a lot of extra weight even they achieved their dream and reach the ideal weight, but after weight stability and improvement of their health condition and getting rid of all complications of obesity such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and others, they may give up sometimes and take steps back to their old habits of eating fast food and sweets in large quantities and stop exercising, and the stomach expands again and weight increases again, and the surgery fails after it succeeded and achieved the required results.

In this case, the solution will be through Redo Bariatric Surgeries with 
Dr. Muhammad Abu El Naga, who achieved many successes to restore hope to many of those whose previous bariatric surgeries failed, and carefully chooses the type of surgery that is appropriate for each person after making sure of all the tests and examinations required of the person, to avoid any risks or complications.

Are there other reasons apart from the patient's non-compliance that lead to the failure of previous bariatric surgeries?
Yes, the patient is not alone responsible for the success of the surgery, as it is a shared responsibility between the patient and the bariatric surgeon. Therefore, the appropriate bariatric surgeon must be chosen from the beginning, such as Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abu El Naga,because he is characterized by many success stories in different bariatric surgeries, and he always knows everything new in surgical techniques and tools to facilitate the surgery steps for the surgeon, and also achieve quick results with the patient and do not cause many problems after the surgery, such as what was occurred in the old traditional surgery.

What confirms the failure of bariatric surgeries?
1- Not achieving the ideal weight within a year, because if the surgery is successful, the person loses about 50-70% of his extra weight.
2- Failure to recover from complications of obesity such as high blood pressure, high blood glucose level, and high blood cholesterol level, as well as shortness of breath and arthritis.
3- Complications after the surgery such as bleeding, vomiting, leakage, infection, inability to swallow food.
4- Faults occurred during the surgery due to the surgeon's lack of competence and experience.
5- The stomach expands and stretches again due to the surgeon’s lack of skill in cutting the stomach, such as what happens in Gastric Sleeve surgery.

How can the surgeon be the cause of the failure of bariatric surgeries?
1- Not choosing the appropriate type of surgery for the patient.
2- Sticking to old methods that have proven to be unsuccessful with many patients, such as gastric plication surgery, which has many side effects.
3- Not being sure of all the chronic diseases that the patient suffers from.
4- Not following international safety and quality standards in surgeries.
5- Not verifying the presence of gastric volvulus during the surgery with some patients.
6- Using old types of staplers with low quality.

What are the most successful types of bariatric surgeries?
1- Gastric Sleeve surgery:
It is one of the most suitable processes for lovers of eating carbohydrates, especially in fast food.
2- Gastric bypass surgery:
It is suitable for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, which resulted from their strong love for eating sweets in large quantities.

What are surgeries that need to be redone?
Gastric band, Gastric volvulus, and Gastric Stapling, and it is preferable to be redone by laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, and we do not recommend Gastric Sleeve surgery for redoing.

Does everyone who suffers from overweight need bariatric surgery?
Of course not, there are certain criteria to nominate people for bariatric surgeries, the most important of which is the body mass index (BMI), which is the weight (kg) / squared height (m2), if the result is between 25-30, it is simple obesity, and the person only needs to follow a healthy diet with a nutritionist with a commitment to physical exercise.  If the BMI exceeds 30-40, it is excessive obesity, and the person must resort to bariatric surgery because there is a quick solution to losing weight, especially if the person tried many attempts to follow a healthy diet plan and failed in them.

What distinguishes the success of Dr.  Muhammad Abu El Naga in bariatric surgeries?
1- The patient answers all his questions and explains his condition in detail so that he is aware of everything he will go through from the beginning of the surgery until its completion.
2- Encouraging the patient and helping the patient to get rid of all fears or false information that the patient hears about bariatric surgeries, to give hope to the patient to change his life for the better.
3- Using the latest and finest types of American staplers certified globally.
4- Follow the quality and safety standards before and during the surgery to avoid any infection.
5- Do a leak test inside the operating room before the end of the surgery, to avoid leakage and to ensure the quality of the staplers.
6- Be sure to give the patient fluid injections and wear a compressed sock to avoid clots due to sleeping for long periods, in addition to encouraging the patient to move two hours after the surgery.

The Smart Programmed Capsule is a suitable solution to get rid of simple obesity:
When a person fails to get rid of simple obesity, i.e. try 15-20 kg of weight gain, there is a suitable solution away from surgeries, which is the smart programmed capsule, which is characterized by being globally certified and taken in the bariatric surgeon's clinic even it is swallowed  Through a glass of water like any capsule.

This capsule is filled with a specific liquid through a thin tube and is separated from the mouth, and when it is placed in the stomach, it takes the shape of a balloon even it takes a large size of the stomach, so the person feels full from the least food meal and loses excess weight in a short time without any complications.

The smart programmed capsule is discarded in a very natural way, as it gradually disintegrates within 4 months and is excreted through the stool, unlike gastric balloon surgery, which requires general anesthesia and an operating room to remove it after a certain period when the person reaches the ideal weight.

Important informations:
The smart programmed capsule is not suitable for severe obese patients, because after some time there will be an increase in weight gain than the first, and this will increase the cost if he resorts to the smart capsule again, so the appropriate solution from the beginning is to resort to bariatric surgeries, whose type is determined based on the body mass index and the health status of the patient.